Next month is National Pet Dental Health Month, as recognized by AVMA. The organization is ready to help members promote this important period with a free Pet Dental Health toolkit. Regularly brushing pets’ teeth is the single most effective thing pet owners can do to keep their teeth healthy between dental cleanings, and may reduce the frequency or even eliminate the need … [Read more...]
Join the veterinary well-being community
Knowing the mental health stressors within the veterinary profession, the AVMA has gathered and created resources to help measure compassion satisfaction, compassion stress and compassion fatigue, and identify areas where to focus on self-care. In addition to personal wellness tools, it also offers a self-assessment tool and training to identify and help at-risk … [Read more...]
Keep pets safe this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a week from today. It’s a great holiday, but it can also present hazards for pets. AVMA offers home, party and travel advice that’s ready to go in clinic counter material, blogs and newsletters. Source: AVMA. Holiday food needs to be kept away from pets, and pet owners who travel need to either transport their pets safely or find safe accommodations for them … [Read more...]
AVMA Blood test video helps pet owners understand
Help pet owners understand the importance of blood work and dispel anxiety that can be associated with it. Dr. Joyce Ashamalla covers the basics of why blood tests are needed and what they help find in this AVMA TV video. Source: AVMA, September 12, 2016. Blood tests for pets. Even though the thought of your pet being stuck by a needle can be scary, blood work is an … [Read more...]
Veterinary medicine, lynchpin for One Health
One Health Day is taking place November 3, 2016. The campaign is designed to engage as many individuals as possible from as many arenas as possible in One Health education and awareness events, and to generate an inspiring array of projects worldwide. Veterinary medicine is the only profession that routinely operates at the interface of the three main components of One … [Read more...]
AVMA persuades Petco to adjust ad’s messaging
Representing concerned members, the AVMA recently worked with Petco to clarify messaging about its “7-Point Pet Care Check” performed by groomers. Source: Pet Product News, July 13, 2016. Petco has assured us that appropriate and timely referral for veterinary services is a key pillar of training for their grooming staff in implementing Petco’s new 7-Point Pet Care Check,” … [Read more...]
National pet week
National Pet Week is in full swing through Saturday, May 7. With the theme, “Lifetime of Love,” each day focuses on a special topic. They are: Sunday, May 1: Choose well, commit for life. Monday, May 2: Socialize now. New doesn't have to be scary. Tuesday, May 3: Exercise body. Exercise mind. Wednesday, May 4: Love your pet? See … [Read more...]