THANK YOU, Jennifer Shike and Cassandra Jones, PhD, for sharing the challenges of managing swine PEDV and PRRS in the context of our current COVID-19 pandemic.
Jones believes suppression should be the strategy. “Even then, we’re looking at June or July as peak of this thing, and 8X more critical care beds needed than we have available.” Cassandra Jones, PhD, Kansas State University
Source: PORK, March 25, 2020. Link. Jones says implementing human “biosecurity” protocols will help limit spread. Science supports that limiting movements (whether it be people or pigs) reduces disease transmission.
Also see: Researchers to begin testing new coronavirus vaccines on pigs first, National Hog Farmer, March 30, 2020. Link. Pigs have previously been used as a large animal model in research on influenza viruses because pigs have a very similar respiratory system to humans, are naturally infected by influenza viruses and produce antibodies with similar characteristics as humans.
Pigs are an appropriate model to use in this urgent coronavirus research.”
INSIGHTS: Please share this with healthcare professionals in your network. The next step in human care may need to be shower-in and shower-out with wearables provided by the hospital or health facility. Our recent post about towel cleanliness may cross over here as well < link >.