A scientist in Pakistan recently shared study results that indicate using platelet-rich plasma can be a safe, effective approach to hastening wound healing in horses. Muhammad Talha Sajjad, DVM, MPhil, PhD, found PRP gel encourages re-epithelialization and accelerates skin wound healing by promoting wound contraction and stabilization of the collagen fiber arrangement. Accelerated healing can also reduce the risk of developing wound infections and sepsis.
Source: The Horse, May 31, 2023. Link.
Wound repair in equids can be accomplished with platelet-rich plasma gel, which is made from autologous platelets. . . “ – Muhammad Talha Sajjad, DVM, MPhil, PhD
INSIGHTS: PRP therapy is one of multiple physical medicine approaches currently expanding options for veterinarians. AHD sponsor, Jorgensen Laboratories recently partnered with Enso Discoveries to provide Platelet-Rich Plasma and Platelet-Rich Fibrin kits branded as Rebound PRP/PRF kits. These kits provide regenerative medicine backed by scientific evidence and funded veterinary research.
The economical kits offer a fast processing time of 20 minutes from draw to injection, are sterile with a long shelf life and the adaptable system allows for custom PRP. Species specific kits are available including equine, canine, feline and bovine. For information on the three Rebound PRP/PRF kits click here <Link>.