Recent research from the Journal of Dairy Science < link > suggests that outdoor housing through the winter might be cleaner and healthier for the cows than indoor housing. The University of Minnesota study compared organic cows housed on an outdoor straw pack with wind protection to cows housed indoors on a compost-bedded pack barn.
Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, October 28, 2019. Link. Cows housed on the outdoor straw pack had better udder hygiene and abdomen hygiene scores than those housed on the indoor pack. Outdoor housed cows also had cleaner upper and lower legs and lower incidence of clinical mastitis.
. . . frostbite incidence was not different between the two groups.
INSIGHTS: It is decision time for dairies in northern climates. This research will be pleasant news, especially to small and medium-size dairies where costs associated with indoor housing can challenge profits.