Addison Biological Laboratory, Inc. announces the approval of the world’s first commercial Moraxella bovoculi vaccine for the prevention of pinkeye in cattle. This USDA-conditionally licensed product is the first of its kind. The product features eight specifically different Moraxella bovoculi isolates and an easily syringeable adjuvant.
Source: Addison Biological Laboratory, February 27, 2017.
This vaccine signifies a breakthrough in convenience for the large number of veterinarians and herd owners battling the challenging problem of pinkeye caused by Moraxella bovoculi,” said Bruce Addison, President of Addison Labs. “High quality diagnostic and autogenous services are effective in the prevention of Moraxella bovoculi, however they may not be practical in many cases due to herd size and the time it takes to create a herd specific bacterin.”
INSIGHTS: Congratulations to Bruce and the team at Addison and thanks for your sponsorship support!