We recently posted a Progressive Dairyman article discussing pinkeye in terms of primary and co-factor infections. Link. The article featured the experiences of Bruce Addison and Austin Springer with Addison Biological Laboratories. it is now available as a one-page reprint that makes it handy to share with beef and dairy producers.
Source: Addison Biological Laboratories. New Findings with Bovine Pinkeye. (link to separate document provided and host in our AHD library)
Good management practices, including good nutrition, fly control, pasture clipping and providing shade from ultraviolet light exposure, are important along with a vaccination program that includes both M. bovis and M. bovoculi vaccinations.
Remember, vaccination with Moraxella sp. does not eliminate the organisms from the host animals. The vaccines are designed to protect against the expression of disease, not the carrier state of the host animals.
INSIGHTS: For more information, contact AHD Sponsor, Addison Biological Laboratories. MAXI/GUARD® Pinkeye Bacterin. Link-a. Moraxella bovoculi Bacterin. Link-b. Moraxella bovoculi Autogenous. Link-c.
Also see: Heed new pinkeye management protocols, Animal Health Digest, April 24, 2018. Link.
Also see: 5 ways to prevent & treat pinkeye, BEEF, June 24, 2018. Link. Here are five tips to stopping this costly and frustrating disease in its tracks.