Ashley Goodall explains the importance of the virtues of stability, together with an understanding of how to renew and practice creating stability, in this article. Underappreciated, constant change can become the enemy of performance, not its catalyst.
“The science is clear: people do best at work when their environment is predictable, when they have some sense of control over their immediate surroundings, when they are part of a stable set of relationships, when they feel connected to place and ritual, and when the point of their efforts is readily apparent to them.”
Source: Harvard Business Review, July 9, 2024. Link.
Commentary: Our industry has experienced periods of a revolving door cycle as people were intentionally moved from position to position, never seeing their ideas and strategies implemented or fulfilled. Too often, change is viewed strategically as 2+2=5 only to discover in a few months that 2+2=3. We can’t forget that people do business with people and our business successes depend on delivering highly valued experiences.
“The key question for any business in a turbulent world is not how to instigate disruption, or manage change, but rather how to help people offer their best.” – Ashley Goodall