This may not be easy to read. The typical cell phone user touches his or her phone 2,617 times every day, according to a study by research firm dscout. And that’s just the average user. The study found that extreme cell phone users in the top 10 percent touch their phones more than 5,400 times daily. Our mental health is a factor of various variables. One such variable today is unhealthy smartphone use. Without healthy boundaries, smartphones threaten our mental health.
Source: Thrive Global, January 22, 2018.
Anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, inability to focus, zero peace of mind are some effects of a smartphone addiction and unhealthy social media activity. However, there are some healthy habits with respect to our smartphones and social media that can help improve overall well-being.Technology is neutral by nature. It is how we use it that will make all the difference. If we use it to empower our life even more and make it more efficient, connected and easier, we are using it positively. We are not meant to be slaves of our phones but it is meant to serve us to lead better lives.