Veterinary Medicine Essentials packages cover diagnostic steps, treatment plan guidance and the latest updates, plus resources to share with team members and animal owners. This collection of articles focuses on veterinary teams, yet it offers solid information for animal health sales pros.
Source: Veterinary Medicine, June 15, 2017.
The DVM360 team curated the best, most informative articles about this behavior topic to help diagnose and treat it most efficiently and effectively. The articles are organized in these categories:
- Updates on separation anxiety
- Diagnosing separation anxiety
- Treating separation anxiety
- Associated conditions
- Client education
- Arming team members
INSIGHTS: Dog pheromone products are used for general stress, separation anxiety, noise phobias, and travel, says Wayne Hunthausen, DVM, the director of animal behavior consultations for Westwood Animal Hospital, in Westwood, Kansas, in an article in Web MD. AHD sponsor Ceva Animal Health is a leader in pheromone products for dogs and cats. The Feliway® family of products can comfort and reassure cats. For dogs, Adaptil® skus can help behavior problems such as fear of loud noises, loneliness and excessive barking.