Brian Conrad, CVPM, does not advocate veterinary clinics try to copy or be like the box stores. Veterinary hospitals are about education and deliberate, methodical recommendations, while big box stores focus on product choices and other options. Conrad says it is important is to showcase what you have to offer regardless of how much space is dedicated to retail products.
Through foresight and strategic planning, you can make necessary improvements and reap the rewards of increased sales and greater client compliance.
Source: Today’s Veterinary Business, June 2019. Link. Our goal as patient advocates is to solidify our education and recommendations and then make a client’s purchases and repurchases easy within an environment conducive to a positive experience, says Conrad. A positive shopping experience starts with your trained and friendly staff. From there, we need products that are organized, easy to obtain and easy to purchase.
INSIGHTS: There is a lot of food for thought and action here. Sales representatives, consider carrying this article into a practice as a door-opener for discussing your resources with the practice owner and practice manager.