The causes of Frito feet are natural enough and don’t mean a dog has been sneaking corn chips. However endearing for some, canine paw odors disgust others. Like strong or acrid human foot odors*, the sources of paw smell are many. Like the fungi that cause humans feet to smell, one source of dog foot odor is an unchecked proliferation of yeast fungi in and around its feet. Persistent strong paw smells may warrant a discussion with a veterinarian.
*We added a recent article on human foot odor since sandal season is mostly over 😉
Source: Dogster, March 4, 2019. Link.
Source: *Curious Kids: Why do feet stink by the end of the day? The Conversation, November 4, 2019. Link.
Brevibacterium linens are harmless bacteria found on people’s skin which eat up skin cells that have died. In the warm, moist environment of shoes they multiply rapidly. It is their waste that gives sweaty feet their funky odor. It contains stinky chemicals like those made by skunks and rotten eggs.
Also see: Understanding the Frito feet smell on dogs’ feet, Animal Health Digest, September 4, 2018. Link.