This article is more current today than it was when Brenda Tassava, CVPM, CVJ, VLCE, wrote it in 2018. Communication diligence is one of the big lessons as we manage through a crisis. We cannot assume that one-and-done efforts will resonate or be remembered, let alone acted on.
Tassava discusses the need to remind, recall and recheck, plus forward booking appointments with animal owners.
A practice’s reminder success rate should be more than 60% for vaccination reminders; preferably 75% to 80% following the last card or phone call.
Source: Veterinary Team Brief, November/December 2018. Link.
Take action notes:
- Use practice management software to generate automatic client reminders for progress appointments.
- Remember that despite new technology, traditional reminders will still be needed for appointments made well into the future.
- Never let a client leave the practice without a scheduled follow-up appointment.
INSIGHTS: Scheduling a review of the 3Rs and forward booking successes every three to four months helps ensure team members comply with these proactive processes.