Reptile contact is a very well-known risk factor for acquiring Salmonella, especially in kids. Scott Weese, DVM, shares the challenges of feeder rodent-associated Salmonella sp. outbreaks as a reminder for reptile owners and handlers.
Weese shares some important basic preventive measures when it comes to Salmonella sp. including:
- Feeder rodents should be handled like you’d handle raw meat for human consumption – assume they’re contaminated, avoid cross-contamination with human food or food prep surfaces, and handle them with care.
- Assume all reptiles are shedding Salmonella in their feces and that their enclosures are contaminated.
Source: Worms and Germs, July 28, 2022. Link.
INSIGHTS: This is especially important information for retailers. Share with all staff and consider sharing with local media sources. Reptiles have been greatly increasing in popularity as pets in the U.S. over the past several years. According to surveys, in 2020 reptiles were kept as pets in 4.5 percent of U.S. households <Link>.