At the recent Academy of Veterinary Consultants conference, John Richeson, Ph.D., discussed how the use of new chute-side diagnostic tools have potential to help cattle feeders assess morbidity risk for individual cattle upon arrival. This could potentially reduce antibiotic use in mass treatments while improving health outcomes.
Citing Kansas State University research, Richeson made a case for targeted metaphylaxis. It is an alternative disease-control strategy applied at the individual animal level, using risk metrics as decision tools. Chuteside technologies in development were reviewed as potential methods of testing.
Source: Bovine Veterinarian, October 2018. Link.
Chuteside diagnostic testing shows considerable promise for improving health while reducing costs and antibiotic use with more targeted treatment,” said Richeson. “Current antimicrobial metaphylaxis strategies will need to be refined, with reductions in drug costs and improved outcomes compensating for technology costs.
INSIGHTS: Blood leukocyte differential (BLD) technology from Advanced Animal Diagnostics was discussed, referencing successes in the dairy industry. BLD can provide indications of stress, dehydration and immune challenge and AAD is hopeful they can utilize their testing platform to measure individual calf morbidity risk.
Livestock animal health pros need to stay abreast of new technologies and their potential to improve production outcomes and economics.