Guest Contributor – Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT
The word team conjures up many different images, positive for some and downright uncomfortable, for others. There are so many clichés surround it as well – we’ve all heard the overplayed “Teamwork makes the dream work.” “There’s no ‘I’ in team,” and so on – but what does being part of a team truly mean?
Mages notes the negative connotations to the word team. She surmises the athletic implications tend to be predominant and for non-fans, it’s an immediate turnoff. Also, when it’s used so often and shrugged away, it loses its strength and implication for true foundational growth. In light of this, Mages proposes to change the focus, flip the perspective and redefine this word for us working peeps.
Source: Empowering Veterinary Teams, August 21, 2020. Link.
Team (tēm): us. That’s it – simple. Succinct. Powerful. WE are the team. You, me, our families, our friends. We. Us. We are enough. So, let’s go team, we got this.” – Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT,