“Disruptive times call for transformational leaders with a knack for addressing complex problems. To navigate effectively, we must learn to let go—and become more complex ourselves.”
This lead paragraph in an article in the March 2018 edition of the McKinsey Quarterly caught my attention. The further I read, the more I realized there is an acute need in the companion animal health industry for what the McKinsey article authors refer to as Leadership with Inner Agility.
Source: pragmaticleadership.blog July 13, 2018. Link.
So, let’s use some of that Inner Agility Leadership that I referred to earlier and develop an effective strategy to protect your business – more specifically your pharmacy business which will in turn protect your professional services business and your ancillary products business.
INSIGHTS: Customer loyalty, often referred to as stickiness is key. When you make yourself easy to do business with there is no need to go to the internet or the big box store.