The internet has significantly impacted price transparency and it also gives us a picture of price variability. Frank Rumbauskas speaks to salespersons in this article and recommends establishing a fair price that is not the absolute maximum discount.
Source: B2C, December 15, 2016.
If you’ve read my materials before, you know that I am very blunt about speaking the truth, and the truth is this: price matters. Many sales trainers seem to be in total denial of this fact, and a lot of managers too, who just happen to be paid on profit margin. They insist that if you’re a good salesperson, you can sell everything at full price. But in the real world, price matters. People have budgets and spending caps. Period.
INSIGHTS: The topic of pricing has been tossed around forever. It can’t be discussed without the perspective of the lowest price is not always best value, even when buying the same brand from different sources. Adding or changing sources always adds to total cost.