Sandra Woien, philosophy lecturer at Arizona State University, speaks out on elements of the millions of dollars spent on pets. Citing the philosophy of effective altruism, she suggests if the money spent of pets was instead donated to a good cause, more good or utility could be produced.
According to one estimate, about $440 million of pet spending in the U.S. was on Halloween pet costumes alone.
Source: The Conversation, October 15, 2018. Link. Those persuaded by the moral argument behind the effective altruism movement may want to allocate their resources differently, writes Woien.
This year alone, pet spending in the U.S. is estimated to exceed $72 billion, which is more than the combined GDP of the 39 poorest countries in the world.
INSIGHTS: Woien focuses much of her criticism on the OTC categories, which can fuel purchases of non-urgent and unimportant animal health items. Food for thought!