When you are hell-bent on surviving considerable changes to how to do life, your business and meet client expectations, customer experience planning and mapping may not be a high priority. Now as the world attempts to reopen and live with Covid-19 risks, planning patient flow is an important part of progress.
Claire Pickens, CVPM, SHRM-CP, CSSGB, looks at patient flow through lean process management paradigms. She describes elements using the acronym P.U.R.R. which breaks a process down into:
P: Process part mapping
U: Understanding each part
R: Refining each part
R: Reaching results in each part
Source: Today’s Veterinary Business, August/September 2020. Link.
Building a P.U.R.R.fect patient flow requires a leader who understands the power of a positive culture, team collaboration and the utilization of process improvement techniques” – Claire Pickens, CVPM, SHRM-CP, CSSGB
INSIGHTS: This is a good example of practice managers taking the lead, leaving DVMs, technicians and assistants to be part of the team solving the next level of flow and improving customer experiences. The addition of virtual care services for pre-visit and post-visit communications is a primary reason to consider mapping at this time.