If you spent any time trying to understand millennials, then this article series will bring perspective about the next generation, Gen Z. The series focuses on brand practitioners, but since each of us manages our own brand, some of the information applies to every animal health pro.
The authors compare Gen Z metaphorically to a butterfly. Some are in a state of metamorphosis and some are already spreading their wings. More profoundly, they not only go through radical transformation but also radically transform the world that they affect.
Source: Biz Community, May 2018. Link 1. Link 2.
According to published research, Gen Z are realists, will smartly and strategically plan for survival, carefully navigate life’s pitfalls and maximize the opportunity to live their life to the fullest. It also seems that this generation, the most global and diverse generation, upholds the values of family and society, and has a real concern for the environment. Its members are known as the first ‘caring’ generation and find their strength in collaboration and design thinking to engineer better, more humane solutions in commerce and standard of living.
INSIGHTS: The summation comments may disturb some as the authors seem to accept that Gen Z will need to be courted as represented by this quote, “their support will be bespoken for those who shape such a world for them and with them.” We offer the articles for your review as these young persons enter our work forces.