National Animal Safety and Protection Month reminds us of the responsibilities that come with ALL domesticated animals and pets. It us an opportunity to provide tips and tools to animal owners so they can be better prepared in the event of an emergency, illness or weather event.
New smart home technologies can help keep dogs, cats and other domestic animals safe.
Source: National Day Calendar. Link. Whether animals are part of the family or raised for economic reasons it is important to be prepared and be aware of various risks to animal health and safety.
- Be proactive
- Pet-proof your home and property
- Identify your animals
- Have a disaster plan
- Learn basic first aid
- Know your animal(s)
Also see: What’s the best home security system for pet owners? Canine Journal, September 15, 2019. Link.
INSIGHTS: Googling National Animal Safety and Protection Month < link > provides animal health pros with a plethora of resources and ideas for promoting safety and protection. Use these resources in social media posts, newsletters and with local media.