The NSAID product category generally represents 12 percent to 18 percent of dispensed product revenue for veterinary practices. When it comes to pain relief tools in the veterinary practice, Matthew Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA, sings the praises of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs class.
Reminder! Given the number of prescriptions now filled outside the veterinary practice, it is critical to establish the prescribed regimen before the animal owner leaves to fill the NSAID somewhere else. You may wish to start using the DAW (dispense as written) notation to ensure the proper product and brand are dispensed.
Source: DVM360, January 29, 2018.
Dr. Brunke stresses the importance of establishing good baseline blood work parameters and then following up on that blood work during courses of therapy. He points out that this applies to patients of any age. In addition to perioperative pain relief, he notes that NSAIDs have other wide-ranging applications including osteoarthritis and cancer therapy.
INSIGHTS: Pain management is considered important with all species in today’s markets. For sales pros, NSAIDs are a logical category to discuss on most calls. Consider asking about choice parameters, getting inventories in order and ensuring resources from various manufacturers are known and available.