Sound that is extremely loud or frequent can harm the human body beyond our ears, writes Jason Bittel for National Geographic. Scientists are learning more about how sound impacts human health all the time. Chronic noise stimulates stress responses that can result in cardiovascular disease or mental health issues.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommends that workers not be exposed to noises louder than 85 dBA for more than 8 hours. At 100 dBA NIOSH stipulates just 15 minutes of exposure without ear protection.
While animal health pros likely understand how to protect themselves from common sources of noise pollution, there’s little doubt that sounds generated in kennel areas, boarding facilities, swine facilities, milking parlors and by various machines can approach 100 dBA. Ear protection is warranted in these areas.
Source: National Geographic, November 7, 2023. Link. Earplugs and noise-canceling headphones can dramatically reduce the impact of loud noises by blocking sound waves before they can penetrate the inner ear. They also assist with the psychological effects of noise pollution, because they help people regain a sense of control over their surroundings.
INSIGHTS: Sound abatement needs to be considered when remodeling or building facilities.