A series of six new videos from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach have been created to help beginning dairy farmers learn about different types of dairy operations and management systems. Each video features a dairy farmer who discusses the different aspects of their operation. We agree these videos will also help generational succession changes required as older family members turn over operations.
Source: Dairy Herd Management, October 27, 2017.
We wanted producers to understand that while there is more than one way to manage a dairy operation, they all require some basic key concepts that are highlighted in the videos,” Jennifer Bentley said. “It’s important for others to know what works well and has been successful, but also the challenges of operating these dairy systems.”
INSIGHTS: It is good to see tools like this in place for producers, as well as for animal health pros who serve them. Since we are predominately visual learners, videos like this help demonstrate key elements of new processes, methods and break outdated paradigms.