Dog bites to humans are increasing in California and possibly other states. Unlike the often-stated human reason of, “The bite came out of nowhere,” there are almost always signs. Of the 4.5 million dog bites reported each year about 80 percent happen at home and involve a dog and human who’ve met before. Melonie San Pietro offers tips to avoid being bitten.
Source: The Los Angeles Times, March 12, 2024. Link. Dog aggression occurs on a ladder. Initial signs of discomfort might include lip-licking, looking away or yawning. Then dogs will escalate a step to behaviors such as stiffening up, starting or crouching with a tucked tail.
When even the most conscientious dog owners don’t recognize the signs, then seemingly out of nowhere the dog reaches the top of the <aggression> ladder, feeling left with no choice but to bite that handsy toddler or overzealous house guest.”
INSIGHTS: This is sound advice as are the author’s recommendations for training and two-way communication with dogs and owners. Plus, know your dog’s limits. Please share this on social media, in newsletters and with local media outlets to save someone from injury.