Protecting animals and humans from mosquito bites is important as the insects can be vectors for multiple diseases. Mosquito repellants can help. Research completed in 2015 and updated in 2017 <link> shows that products containing DEET proved effective and lasted for a relatively long time but there are alternatives too.
DEET isn’t the only weapon. Products containing the active ingredients picaridin and IR 3535 are as effective.
Source: NPR, June 30, 2018. Link. People do the darnedest things in hopes of avoiding mosquito bites. NPR talked with researchers, many of whom spend lots of time in mosquito-infested jungles, marshes and tropical areas.
Also see: Mosquito search results, Animal Health Digest. Link. Several posts contain information on mosquito control and bite prevention in both animals and humans.
INSIGHTS: Fighting mosquitos is at the core of lowering heartworm incidence in pets. For information about protecting pets from mosquitos and heartworm, review what AHD sponsor Ceva Animal Health offers about using the Double Defense Heartworm Protocol for dogs. The Ceva site references these statements from their research:
Vectra® 3D was over 95% effective in anti-feeding and in killing mosquitoes up to 28 days after administration.
The anti-feeding and insecticidal activity of Vectra® 3D against mosquitoes was over 99% effective in blocking the development of infective larvae.