In order to help prevent infection to dairy cows, dairy pros must address cleanliness practices in barns and parlors. Greg Strait, Penn State extension educator, addressed milk filters as an indicator then emphasized teat dipping, cow prep, cleanliness of free stalls, and cleanliness of bedded pack and more during a recent discussion.
Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, January 11, 2020. Link.
A lot of dairymen are still not using milking gloves, and it’s a very cheap way to fight contamination to stop the spread of bacteria from cow to cow. It’s very easy to do . . . and it’s a very cheap Band-Aid to make sure we’re not contaminating anything.” – Greg Strait
INSIGHTS: Representatives making farm calls can use this article to start a conversation about prevention options. Sharing your insights with the DVM of record can help the DVM bring more value to the dairy through your discoveries.