Biosecurity measures literally hit the road when considering the health of the U.S. swine herd. Ann Hess relates the experiences of Illinois third-year vet student, Megan Bloemer, whose work was awarded the first Morrison Swine Innovator prize at the 2018 Allan D. Leman swine conference. Bloemer’s presentation, Protecting the Inevitable Risk: Biosecurity at a Truck Wash.
The truck wash crew and trailer washers are often overlooked, but play such a critical role in disease prevention.”
Source: National Hog Farmer, November 2018, page 40. Link.
You can’t have good production if you don’t have good biosecurity. That goes hand in hand and you need to think about biosecurity along with your production and how they impact each other. . . Megan Bloemer
INSIGHTS:Biosecurity, transport trucks and herd health are not just swine issues. Veterinarians and livestock sales representatives can use this article with beef and dairy producers to underscore the need to manage the risks inherent with livestock transport.