Marissa Ames discusses when new chicks can leave the brooder to get exposed to the outdoors. She provides an informative growth and temperature chart to help chicken owners keep weather in mind so chicks manage the transition from brooder to the outdoors as well as possible.
Source: Countryside Daily, March 13, 2019. Link. Whether chicks are outside or in, always ensure they have clean bedding, food, and water, to reduce stress and risk of infection. Watch how they act. Happy flapping and pecking are your best signs that baby chicks are healthy and warm enough.
Also see: A guide to sick chicken symptoms, Countryside Daily, March 15, 2019. Link. Chicken diseases and illness can be caused by a number of things and usually affect more than one bird. Viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, and parasites are the infectious type of illness.
INSIGHTS: This information is worthy of social media posts, e-newsletters and website content. Those new or returning to chick raising this time of year can use Ames’ guidance.