Something worthwhile is coming from the Bureau of Land Management’s capture of wild horses from Wyoming. After therapy and medication, including self-medication, fails U.S. veterans of post-traumatic stress disorder and severe brain trauma, wild Mustangs are helping them thrive again. BraveHearts works with BLM to bring horses to Illinois where veterans work to help train them.
Source: Los Angeles Times, May 30, 2016.
‘I came back and I hated myself,” he said. “The pills didn’t fix anything. The booze just hid the feelings of guilt. . .’” “You get a sense of peace like no pill they could put down your throat,” he said. “I’m starting to look forward to the next 20 years of my life.”
INSIGHTS: Success at BraveHearts is a bright spot in a BLM program that has received its fair share of negative press. Perhaps it’s something that can help a veteran you know.