Production costs continue to rise making decisions about management practices important. Paul Beck says research shows implants given during the suckling phase will increase average daily gain of steer calves by approximately 0.10 pound per day. The increase in gains by implanting heifers is slightly better at 0.12 pounds per day.
Implanting calves before weaning is cost effective and will increase weaning weights of both steers and heifers with very little impact on reproduction rates of replacement heifers.” – Paul Beck
Source: FEED-LOT, April 19, 2022. Link. There are several products labeled for use in pre-weaned calves, using the right product at the right time can provide returns of $25 to $30 for each dollar invested in implants.
INSIGHTS: Getting the most out of production animals requires some coaching and collaboration. This article provides solid reasoning and guidance about implanting calves:
- Most calf implants are designed to last 120 days.
- Calves should be 30 days to 45 days old before they are implanted. Refer to manufacturer’s label for approved timing.
- Bull calves intended for breeding should not be implanted.
- Bull calves not intended for breeding should be castrated at the time of implanting because implants affect scrotal development, which makes later castration more difficult.
Also see: Profit tip: Implanting the suckling calf, UNL BEEF, April 2017. Link.