Gerard Cramer, DVM, DVSc, isn’t too concerned about subacute ruminal acidosis. Instead, he sees laminitis more broadly. Along with sole ulcers, common contributors are white line lesions, digital dermatitis, foot rot and toe ulcers.
. . . the most common contributors causing lameness are standing time, flooring problems, and failure to control digital dermatitis.” – Gerard Cramer, DVM, DVSc
Source: Dairy Herd Management, April 20, 2022. Link. As a comprehensive approach to preventing lameness, Cramer emphasizes these four fundamentals:
- Low infection pressure from digital dermatitis-causing bacteria.
- Good horn quality and shape, maintained with mineral supplementation and regular hoof trimming.
- Early detection and treatment of lame cows.
- Low stress and minimal force on cows’ feet.
Note: Hoof trimming videos like the one below can be found on YouTube. These underscore the important of regular hoof trimming often in graphic detail. Sharing the article referencing Dr. Cramer along with your favorite hoof trimming video can help drive home the key fundamentals required to prevent lameness.