This caught my attention along with a comedic image of stoned cows and memories of cutting and burning hemp along horse pasture fence lines. This Science article notes hemp is cheap, widely available and a nutritious (possible) feed alternative comparable to alfalfa. But tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations in the milk are concerning.
Source: Science, November 14, 2022. Link. A study* of 10 dairy cows indicates cattle that have eaten feed containing varying amounts of hemp seemed to get stoned like people do. Milk from the intoxicated cows contained detectable levels of THC, cannabidiol and other cannabinoids. Hemp, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant possesses a less potent concentration of the psychoactive compound THC than marijuana-related varieties of cannabis.
* Study: Transfer of cannabinoids into the milk of dairy cows fed with industrial hemp could lead to Δ9-THC exposure that exceeds acute reference dose, naturefood, November 14, 2022. Link.
INSIGHTS: The hemp effects beg the question, “Could hemp be useful in the first days of dry off?”