Expecting a goat to live a decade or more is part of an informed decision for potential goat owners, writes Janet Garman. She shares shelter requirements, hoof care, health maintenance, vaccination and nutrition.
Source: Backyard Goats, September 15, 2020. Link. While goats are hardy little ruminants for the most part, they do not tolerate wet weather as well as cattle and sheep. Providing shelter for all animals is important but for goats it is necessary.
Quarantine is another often overlooked practice that can affect the longevity of your goats. When a new goat arrives on your property, keep the animal housed separately for 30 days.
Also see: Chlamydia in goats and other STDs to watch for, Backyard Goats, September 5, 2020. Link.
Biosecurity is a grave concern for me — not just for my herd — but for my children. Many of these diseases are transferable to people.” – Gregory Meiss
INSIGHTS: Popular for 4-H projects and for small acreages, goats require more preparation than a new puppy or kitten. Longevity and biosecurity need to be considered when any animal is acquired for a hobby or as a pet.