For some, answering or making a phone call requires a big effort. They rehearse what to say 1,000 times, dial with shaky hands and often get a panicky feeling in their chest when the ring rings. Digital tools we have now may help phone shy people avoid calls. But calls are still necessary.
Hating the phone doesn’t necessarily mean a social anxiety condition, although the two often related. Some people are perfectly fine with social interactions, yet have a deep-seated fear of making or receiving a call.
Source: Science of US, February 3, 2017.
The most effective way to combat phone anxiety, unfortunately, is to suffer through some time on the phone.
INSIGHTS: Great inbound telephone persons often show anxiety when asked to make outbound calls. If having a freewheeling chat sounds terrifying, start with a more formal, structured call, and write a script beforehand. Practice out loud to yourself. And then, when there’s nothing left to do but dial, get to work.