Conventional wisdom holds that to make it to the top, you need to be a bit greedy—that constantly focusing on other people compromises time spent on yourself and your own advancement. But is selfishness really the key to high earnings? A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests otherwise. Link.
Source: Quartz at Work, November 18, 2018. Link.
Across all five studies they analyzed as part of their research, selfish people were not the highest earners . . . But in four of the five studies, those who earned the highest salaries weren’t the most altruistic people either. Instead, they were “moderately prosocial,” meaning they were mostly unselfish, but not entirely.
INSIGHTS: Being a giver is not only about donating money or volunteering, but looking to help others by making an introduction, giving advice, providing mentoring or sharing knowledge without any strings attached.