If you are perplexed by young employees’ writing and conversation, chances are they’re just as confused by yours.
Those born between 1997 and 2012 are bringing their own style of communication to work. In multigenerational workplaces, this new style can create confusion and angst. This article offers examples of how new and traditional styles of communication can help bridge the gap with those from a generation that has never experienced letter writing, only texting.
Source: The Washington Post, December 13, 2022. Link. The trickiest thing is [language] keeps changing,” said Lieke Verheijen, an assistant professor who studies interpersonal and professional digital communication at Radboud University in The Netherlands. “This kind of misinterpretation can definitely complicate and hinder communication.”
. . . zoomers have been interacting and maintaining relationships online for a greater proportion of their lives than anyone else. This influences what they see as normal.”
INSIGHTS: It’s one thing to be flexible and accommodate various styles of communications. We do it with each crop of new employees. However, no matter the form of communication, it’s critical that corporate or clinic style and tone be followed to ensure credibility of senders and receivers of verbal, written and online messages is maintained, and the company promise is always delivered.
Proper grammar, sound writing practices and proper punctuation are timeless.