A few of the recent storm systems have eased drought concerns in some areas. Still, without sustained moisture over the next three months, keeping livestock fed without depleting grazing forage will remain a hot topic for coffee shops, veterinary visits, machine sheds, bankers and regional extension specialists.
Hay and Forage Grower Magazine stays abreast of grass and forage management approaches that can optimize grazing while also sustaining the resource through drought conditions. We’re sharing two articles for those animal health pros who call on and support beef and dairy producers as follow-up to our May 17, 2022 post <Link>.
Source: Hay and Forage Grower Magazine articles:
- Summer stockpiled forage provided the answer, June 7, 2022. Link. Ways to solve too much feeding of hay and not enough days on pasture. (includes link to presentation)
- Consider creep grazing to cut costs, June 7, 2022. Link. Creep grazing programs can produce additional calf gains using forage rather than the traditional grain-based creep diets.
Also see: What are my options when I’m out of grass? Progressive Cattle, June 6, 2022. Link.
INSIGHTS: Resources like these are meant to be shared and discussed with cow-calf producers. Being an expert on forage growth or grazing is not required. Approach the producer with a simple question to identify if they’ve seen an article or how they are adjusting to account for the potential of sustained drought and forage shortages.