Karen Lally references a growing appreciation for the importance of cow cooling. We know of the impact of cooling on lactating cows as it is easy to measure in the milk tank. For dry cows, the real dangers of heat stress are not immediately visible.
Source:Progressive Dairyman, July 9, 2018. Link.
Cooling dry cows means cooling calves in utero, protecting your investment in the next generation. When a dry cow’s body is compensating for the negative effects of heat stress, she’s required to put out increased maintenance energy to increase her respiratory rate and combat any issues brought on by impaired rumen imbalance and lower immunity. This takes away from her ability to supply blood and nutrients in utero to the calf, negatively affecting growth.
INSIGHTS: Veterinarians and salespersons working with dairy personnel will enjoy sharing this information with producers. There are many production metrics where value can be realized from cooling dry cows. Helping a producer realize that potential could cement relational value for the long term.