The red imported fire ant can seriously sting and occasionally kill small animals. Young, caged or those with difficulty moving are most apt to be stung. The ants are especially attracted to open sores, hot spots and wounds making attacks even more dangerous to an already weakened animal. Effective fire ant control is possible with Antixx Fire Ant Bait <link> from AHD sponsor Neudorff USA. Spinosad, the active ingredient, is derived from soil-dwelling bacteria.
Source: Texas AgriLife Extension. Link. Fire ants most readily sting body parts with little or no hair such as the eye, muzzle, and the tender skin of the abdomen. If your pet is attacked, remove it as quickly as you can from the source of the fire ants. Then remove any fire ants still on them. Do not try to spray the fire ants off with a water hose; they will hang on with their jaws and bite repeatedly.
INSIGHTS: A fact sheet, label and safety data sheet for Antixx Fire And Bait are available here. <link>