Studies have shown preconditioning weaned calves results in less morbidity and mortality, improves post-weaning performance and higher carcass quality versus ranch and auction-derived calves. However, there is limited research assessing the impacts of commingling preconditioned and auction-derived calves at the feedlot and if the proportions of preconditioned to auction-derived calves in commingled pens impact feeding behavior at the feedlot.
Britt Hicks reviews Canadian field study results looking at the impact of calf source and comingling ratios in the first seven days in the feedlot. The results show that preconditioned calves spent significantly more time eating in comparison to the ranch-source and auction-derived calves.
Source: BEEF, May/June 2023. Link. Regarding comingling, pens with a higher proportion of preconditioned calves spent more time eating compared to the pens with the lowest proportion of preconditioned calves.