Winter weather is coming any day now. Luciene Ribeirio offers recommendations for improving results when raising calves in the winter. This content could be used in newsletters, blogs or websites. Veterinary clinic staff members and sales representatives can consider identifying a target group of customers where winter problems are well-known. Then, send the article by e-mail or download and print a copy to leave behind during a call.
Source: American Dairymen, December 2016.
Ribeirio offers 19 recommendations. Here is number one:
- Evaluate your current protocols from maternity to getting these calves to a good start in the running pens. Go through them and discuss with your employees before-hand. Everyone needs to understand the job that needs to be done.
INSIGHTS: Our AHD team enjoys providing animal health pros with content that can be easily used in a sales or veterinary call. Retail associates can also use the information when servicing a customer buying pails or milk replacer, for example.