“Is meat good for you?” continues to be a significant part of nutritional research. While moms still promote eating vegetables, modern media personnel have forgotten how to read research reports in their entirety. The result is that meat frequently gets condemned.
Dan Murphy, a veteran food-industry journalist and commentator exposes the fallacies in much of the reporting about meat versus plant dietary research. I applaud his perspective and tenacity in reading the full research report. It is time animal health professionals quit kowtowing to inaccurate headlines and become more engaged in rebutting sensationalized reporting.
Source: Pork Network, August 3, 2016.
Murphy references: Association of Animal and Plant Protein Intake With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality, JAMA Intern Med., August 01, 2016. He comments, “So if a study participant was a smoker, a heavy drinker, overweight or obese, or sedentary — or all of the above — then eating “meat” was associated with a shorter lifespan. Not exactly a revelation from on high, is it?”