February is National Pet Dental month, but dental care for pets is a daily routine we rarely get established as animal health pros. Even veterinarians admit they don’t brush their own pets’ teeth daily. Still, the amount of media attention to this topic in February is admirable.
In this consumer article Sarah Young summarizes the importance of dental care, a daily routine, and also shares a suggestion about a monthly home exam. This is a great concept and can be done at the individual clinic and retailer level. Consider sending an electronic communication every month about the importance of monthly mouth exams and what to look for. If you have a home delivery service, home care dental products could easily be linked to this communication.
Source: Consumer Affairs, February 3, 2017.
Katy Burr, DVM, recommends pet owners perform a monthly examination of their pet’s mouth. Things to look for include bad breath, cysts or tumors, missing or loose teeth, redness, inflammation, and too much moisture or drool.
Don’t forget to remind pet owners that sugarless gum, candy, toothpaste may be deadly for dogs.
INSIGHTS: Daily brushing habits are hard to keep. AHD sponsor Addison Biological Laboratory recently added MAXI/GUARD® Oral Cleansing Wipes to its product portfolio. Watch how easy the wipes work in this at-home video demonstration: https://youtu.be/JHaSK07wOOU