The Horsemanship Journey is a monthly video series that streams on demand through the THJ website. Launched in 2021, a new episode is released each month. Episodes are about one hour long and are advertising free.
Every episode has 3 parts:
- Part 1 features an amazing story about horses and people.
- Part 2 is the informational segment with top equine professionals and veterinarians.
- Part 3 provides an introspective look where experts in human behavior share motivation and inspiration about ourselves.
Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM, is featured in the premier of season 2. She focuses on the importance of rabies vaccination and all things tick.
Source: Dr. Jen the Vet, Linked In, February 28, 2022. Link.
Everything is easier with horses if you try to prevent it rather than treat it” – Dr. Jen the Vet
INSIGHTS: The Horsemanship Journey is available with an annual membership <Link>.
The mission of THJ is: “To provide the knowledge and skills of the top horse professionals in the world to horse owners, so that owners can then use that experience and wisdom to create for themselves a more fulfilling, more joyful, and more rewarding horse experience and personal life.”