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Warmer weather, melting snow, greening grass all invite dog owners outside. Many will decide to take their dogs to dog parks. But are the dogs prepared for the inherent risks?
Dawn Martin DVM, DVSc, DACVIM, and the Chatfields discuss the challenges of safely enjoying some of the benefits of a dog park. Note the discussion of risk assessment to determine vaccines needed for individual pets (25:30).
You have to protect yourself and your dog when you go to the dog park because dog parks don’t protect you.”
Source: Chats with the Chatfields, You Tube, August 17, 2022. Link. (54:00)
INSIGHTS: During a recent family trip, I observed neighbors walking their dogs before and after work, traipsing through melting slush and puddles. There are 22 or more dogs of all sizes, breeds and ages in that block with 37 homes lived in by young families whose children often play in front yards sometimes with pets in tow. The disease prevention status of neighborhood pets is worth considering similar to dog parks.