Ceva Animal Health US is sponsoring a 1-hour webinar presented by Vetsymposium. The free event features presenters who will discuss why only one fourth of dogs get heartworm prevention. Attendees gets one hour of CE credits and will:
- Gain an understanding of why owners choose not to give their dogs heartworm preventives from their clients’ perspectives.
- Learn about the findings of heartworm preventive compliance research from three speakers with years of practice and industry experience.
- Get tools and best practices to help turn around this dangerous trend.
Webinar schedule:
Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. ET/12:30 p.m. CT/11:30 a.m. MT/10:30 a.m. PT
Source: Vetsymposium, April 2, 2019. Link. In a time when pet owners consider themselves pet parents and spending on pets has reached an all-time high, still only 1 in 4 dogs receive heartworm prevention consistently.
Speakers include:
- Charles Johnson, DVM, MBA, Sr. Director of U.S. Veterinary Services and Pharmacovigilance, Ceva Animal Health, LLC
- Karen Padgett, DVM, Practitioner, President, Unfenced
- Craig Prior, BVSc, Consultant, Speaker, Broker, Practitioner, Past-owner