It is well understood that the calf’s first meal is of vital importance. For the most part though, the reason it is so highly valued is the immunoglobulins (Ig) transmitted through that first feeding and its exceptional energy level. Research is now showing that colostrum is packed full of signalers that are working to position the calf for success in both immunity and growth.
Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, July 2, 2018. Link. “Colostrum borne growth factors such as IGF-1 or hormones like insulin might act through specific receptors in the gut mucosa of the neonate to stimulate cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and protein synthesis,” Cornell’s Mike VanAmburgh explains.
“So it helps the gut grow. The gut is the largest immune system in the body, it’s a barrier for everything the animal swallows.” He shared that these colostrum factors tell the gut to grow, be more robust, have greater surface area, and altogether become a stronger defense system.
INSIGHTS: This article helps re-emphasize the importance of colostrum for the calves’ entire life. Use it when discussing colostrum supplements with producers.