Appearing like hot melted parmesan cheese, coccidiosis scours start in pigs around 7 to 14 days of age. Give it a starting point in a barn and soon many more litters show up greasy.
In my experience, I’ve seen pretty high morbidity, up to 90%, but low mortality and very few cases that I have pigs actually die from <coccidiosis>. It is more likely <pigs> are euthanized because they failed to make weight at weaning. Coccidia build up over time in the environment, especially if there is no treatment or sanitation intervention.” – Amber Stricker, DVM
Source: National Hog Farmer, September 4, 2020. Link. Veterinarians quoted say they have seen the coccidia parasites play a major role in increasing morbidity and poor weight gain in suckling pigs, nurseries and wean-to-finish.
INSIGHTS: According to EPA and FDA, no disinfectant manufacturer can claim efficacy against parasites. This leaves fastidious sanitation practices as the best option using compounds with surfactants and superior cleaning abilities that help release organic materials from housing surfaces.