In what appears to be a repeat performance, a new litter of red wolf cubs was born at The Museum of Life and Science in Durham, North Carolina. This litter appears to be half the size of the one reported last year. (Link) Nonetheless, these add to the limited population of these animals remaining. Source: WRAL-TV via AVMA SmartBrief, April 24, 2018, Link. The first 30 days … [Read more...]
Labs still atop U.S. dog breeds
Labrador Retrievers have captured American’s hearts for 27 years and continue to reign in the latest breed rankings from the American Kennel Club. Source: Quartz, April 24, 2018, Link. There are 196 dog breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club in total. For a full list of how they all stack up click here. … [Read more...]
National Park Week is next week
National Park Week runs April 21 through 29 and Earth Day is Sunday, April 22. Parks across the country will host special programs and events, including a fee-free day, Saturday April 21. Take some time to enjoy what our park system has to offer. Source: National Park Service. (Link) The theme for National Park Week is “Park Stars,” celebrating everything from starry skies … [Read more...]
Baxter Black still here; says mules are peculiar
Baxter Black is NOT hanging up his hat on poetry. He continue to be a mainstay on U.S. Farm Report and recently talked about mules. ENJOY! Source: Drovers, March 26, 2018. Black’s previous commentary on leaving the ranch generated hundreds of responses by those worried that he would no longer offer poetry and humor. … [Read more...]
2018 ATV-UTV roundup; 11 new options to consider (slideshow)
Whether you own a two-acre property in the suburbs, a suburban acreage, love to explore the outdoors or work on a farm this ATV-UTV review is worth reading. Source: Beef, March 28, 2018. When it comes to getting around quickly while spending less on fuel, ATVs or four-wheelers, and utility or side-by-side vehicles, are the answer. While they’ll never replace your pickup, … [Read more...]
Farts: funny, diverse and sometimes lethal
Little did Dani Rabaiotti, a PhD zoology student at the Zoological Society of London, know that a simple question by brother would propel her into the literary world. She didn’t know the answer to, “Do snakes fart,” so she turned to Twitter. And, as quickly as a gaseous dog can clear a dining room, she had the answer and then some. Virginia Tech ecologist Nick Caruso saw the … [Read more...]
Bacon: America’s meat candy (includes slides)
For bacon’s sake! For years, we’ve been in the age of bacon mania where consumers can’t get enough of delicious cured pork belly and bacon-flavored foods. Sara Brown shares a slide deck that shows bacon’s rise to fame. Source: Pork, March 26, 2018. America's favorite meat has a long history of making people smile. … [Read more...]
Off the Leash animated episodes (includes videos)
Rupert Fawcett's "Off the Leash," is a cartoon strip that features sweet and funny moments that represent our wonderful canine friends. It has now been adapted into animated episodes. These short videos are fun to watch, ironic and make good content for social media posts or websites. Source: Modern Dog, March 1, 2018. Featuring the secret thoughts and conversations of … [Read more...]
Speaking of smells
Fun results from research. While exploring semiochemicals , Kirk discovered references identifying smells humans find most pleasant or repulsive. Jacob Shelton’s list is designed to sort by age, sex and region. For example, cinnamon rolls are ranked in the top five in any U.S. region but are ranked 18th internationally. Source: The best smells in the world, … [Read more...]
8 new trucks for 2018
“The 2018 lineup of trucks combine technology, style and plenty of muscle,” says Burt Rutherford, senior editor. Whether you use a truck to pull trailers or haul hay or just want a fancy ride that’s not a luxury sedan, there’s plenty for everyone in 2018. Source: Beef, February 2018. Check out the lineup of full size and heavy duty trucks for this year. We think you’ll … [Read more...]
50 best horse movies
It’s not always possible to go riding, so horse enthusiasts often watch horse movies. Many of these have captured imaginations and were catalysts for dreams. Source: Horse Network, 2014. See where your favorite movie(s) rank in this list. Here’s the top 5 of 50: War Horse Seabiscuit The Man from Snowy River Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron National … [Read more...]
Puppy Bowl XIV, Animal Planet on February 4 at 3 p.m. ET. (includes video)
Team Ruff vs. Team Fluff airs ahead of Super Bowl LII (6:30 pm ET) for the 14th year. This year will feature more puppies than ever – 90 players – from 48 shelters and rescues from 26 U.S. states and territories. The teams will compete for the coveted Lombarki Trophy. For the first time ever, Animal Planet will also premiere Puppy Bowl Presents: The Dog Bowl. The Dog Bowl … [Read more...]
Ex-racehorses are not for beginners (includes video)
Just for fun! Nick Bull’s video of his runaway experience with an ex-racehorse underscores the reality that thoroughbreds retired from racing may not make the best horse for a novice rider. Source: Horse Network, March 2017. Retired racehorses are not for everyone. While thoroughbreds are some of the most willing and loyal partners on the planet, at the core they are … [Read more...]
Baxter Black on farriers (video)
There are a lot of skilled people cowboy poet Baxter Black admires. He’s fairly skilled in some areas (he is a veterinarian and rancher), but he lacks in others. One talent that always alluded him was horseshoeing skills. Source: Drovers, January 15, 2018. In addition to veterinarian, rancher and poet, Baxter Black is an agricultural entertainer. For over 25 years he has … [Read more...]
The top 10 funnies of 2017
Just for fun, the DVM 360 crew reviewed its content to bring you the top cartoons and articles of this year. Source: DVM 360, January 2, 2017. We especially liked No. 3: The anatomy of a veterinary nurse. Also see: DVM360’s top 17 of 2017, January 2, 2017. See the articles that captured the attention of industry professionals across the country. INSIGHTS: Sales … [Read more...]
In celebration of lost words
Just for fun! At some point in their lexical histories, lost words’ original meanings died and have been revived into a mere semblance of their former selves. And we wonder why expatriates and newcomers have trouble assimilating. Source: JSTOR Daily, December 6, 2017. We tend to eagerly focus on the weird new expressions and linguistic innovations that enter the language … [Read more...]
The 10 different types of horse owners (includes video)
Just for fun, check out Maria Watcher’s review of different horse owners. Most animal health pros have met someone who fits these descriptions. The Know-it-All, Miss Horse Poor and Frugal Fred were most familiar to our AHD team. Source: Horse Network, December 2014. INSIGHTS: Sales reps can use the video to get a group loosened-up ahead of a presentation. … [Read more...]
You gotta see this year’s comedy wildlife photo finalists
You’ve gotta look! The 2017 finalists for The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have been announced. And, they’re great. Take a few minutes for some fun. Source: The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, November 2017. You can see four years’ worth of fun photos. INSIGHTS: Great blog and social media ideas here. … [Read more...]
Its fall in mountain cattle country (photo essay)
With photos that look like slides from a cowboy movie, Shipping at the Basin Ranch is a modern day look at gathering and shipping cattle on the mountain ranch outside of Elk Mountain, Wyoming. The ranch is part of the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust. The group is dedicated to conserving Wyoming’s working family ranches and farms and the wide-open spaces, natural habitats and … [Read more...]
X-ray contest 2017 – winners and runners-up
Animal health pros across all segments of the market enjoy seeing the images and frequent absurdity of what animals eat. Bones, necklaces, hair bands, charms, drain plugs and foam bullets are few of the items found in this year’s contest photos and images. Source: Veterinary Practice News, September 29, 2017. The 2017 annual X-ray contest didn’t fail to deliver on the most … [Read more...]
My pet is left-pawed (includes video)
Just for fun! Like humans, many animals tend to use one side of the body more than the other. This innate handedness (or footedness) is called behavioral or motor laterality. Use this video to test your own pets. Source: The Conversation, September 24, 2017. Determining laterality – or which side of the brain dominates the other – could change the way domestic animals are … [Read more...]
Wildlife Photographer of the Year showcases best in nature photography
Take a break from puppy and kitten photos and look at what else nature offers. The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition attracted nearly 50,000 entries from 92 countries. Source: The Atlantic, September 14, 2017. The Wildlife Photographer of the year competition, founded in 1965, is an annual showcase of the best in nature photography. Wildlife Photographer of the … [Read more...]
Riding Japan’s Cat Café train
The Japanese have made stationery cat cafes popular and successful. Now a collaboration has the put the concept on the move via a train. The main difference is the train was full of rescue kittens rather than sedentary cats in the cafes. Read about Bill Adler’s experience and consider the possibilities. Source: Atlas Obscura, September 11, 2017. The cat train was a … [Read more...]
AAHA calls for photos
Need a break from the everyday race? Consider a photo shoot in your practice showing your team using AAHA Press products. Then submit them for consideration in the AAHA Press Catalog. Source: AAHA Red, September 8, 2017. Get creative! Ask one of your favorite reps to help you. The deadline for submissions is September 21, 2017. … [Read more...]
Pig transformation changing with the times
In a fun and informative retrospective, Pork’s JoAnn Alumbaugh reviews the history of pig confirmation and the societal influences that shape a hog as we know them today. Source: Pork, August 10, 2017. Genetics, diet, marketing trends and once more, consumer tastes, continue to evolve so the composition of modern pigs evolves as well. Pig farmers now consider all of the … [Read more...]
National Relaxation Day; did you know?
Who knew? Sean Moeller founded National Relaxation Day in 1985 as a fourth-grader. In an interview with Valerie Monson in The Des Moines Register, he suggested people shouldn’t do anything of real value. Cleaning and real work are not part of relaxation. This series of articles will give you ideas for relaxing. Source: Bottom Line Insider, August 14, 2017. Here are some … [Read more...]
18th century racehorse champion born during solar eclipse
The world is buzzing about the coming solar eclipse. So, we share this story of a temperamental, spirited, fast steed that changed horse racing forever. The greatest racehorse of the 18th century was allegedly born during the 1764 solar eclipse, which tracked from Iberia to Scandinavia, at noon on April Fool’s Day. He was named, appropriately, Eclipse. Seventeen months later he … [Read more...]
A brief history of horses in music videos (videos)
Just for fun! Marjorie Wilkinson walks us through an interesting history of horses in videos, including a highly prolific period between 1929 and 1939. Source: Horse Network, July 17, 2017. Enjoy the video clips! … [Read more...]
New wolf pups captured on trail camera
Just for fun! Northern California has three new wolf pups. They were caught playing in front of a trail camera. Source: Atlas Obscura, July 7, 2017. Wolves are listed as endangered at the federal level and in California, but have been delisted in Oregon. About 110 wolves live in the state, while California’s population remains small—but growing. … [Read more...]
Audubon photo winners announced
Winners of the eighth annual Audubon Photography Awards were recently announced. You’ll find great foul photos at the links below. View them at full screen for maximum effect. Source: The Atlantic, July 11, 2017. Photographers entered images in three categories: professional, amateur, and youth. More than 5,500 images depicting birdlife from 49 states and eight Canadian … [Read more...]